Monday, November 25, 2013

An Introduction to the Academic Blogging World

One of the first blogs I checked out was the Teach 100 blog number 7, Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. Before taking EME2040, I had a very narrow mind about technology and didn't even realize it. Growing up as a 90's kid, things like cell phones and tablets are mainly recreational for me. Because of this, I never saw the need for a child having one and even thought it to be a little unreasonable for a child to own something like a tablet. Going through EME2040, I have seen that technology is becoming increasingly popular in the development of a child and even the basis of some learning patterns. Even more so, I have found myself doing more and more on my cell phone and other portable media than on my computer. Integrating technology into a classroom has progressively become one of the things I most look forward to about becoming a teacher. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has not only a plethora of methods for intertwining technology into the classroom, but is also very heavy on information about just how technology affects students and the learning process.

Often being considered a student of "higher education", my attention was drawn to the number one blog on Teach 100, Inside Higher Ed. The blog is highly organized and professional. There were a number of articles which intrigued me about the direction that education is taking. One thing that I found interesting about it was the integration of other countries into education. It's easy for me to become absorbed in thinking solely about how America's education system is and I tend to neglect the fact that other countries have entirely different systems. I find it extremely interesting how other countries structure their education and when I am reminded of it, I think America can learn a great deal from observing other countries. I also feel it is important to have healthy debates about education and how to further it.

The more I experience different kinds of educational blogs, the more I think it would be beneficial to have one when I become a teacher. They keep things organized and provide many different opportunities for me to connect to my students. I would like to have a blog where my students could interact with me so that we could build the blog together. I look forward to learning different ways to improve my blog and make it relate to my students easier!

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